Sunday, 24 February 2013

Moo MiniCards

I just received 100 MiniCards from Moo (using a PeerIndex perk so that they were free of charge). 

I'm very pleased with the results. The design of these cards is fairly simple, just my Tatty Devine name necklace blog header on one side and contact details on the other side, but you can be more creative if you want to.

So now when I meet other bloggers, or people who want to work with bloggers, I will have a card to hand over.


  1. I like the moo cards, they are good quality and so many options :) x

  2. Love the ones I had done recently, went for 100 different photos on the reverse side, faded a little so the contact text could be read over the top. The front side has my blog banner. I'm running a competition at the moment, so send your friends over if they want to enter. And if you want to, you are also welcome, if you want to order some more or a different design. xx

    1. Thanks for this - I added a link to your giveaway whilst it was still active

  3. aww, these are so cute!

    Emily Jane xo


I love reading your comments and will reply to as many as I can