Monday, 4 February 2013

Magpie Monday - Heals fabric

I was delighted to find this lovely retro Heals 'Summer Glory' cotton barkcloth fabric on eBay.

The piece I bought is 45" wide and 30" long (though there is weaving knot at 24" which was explained by the seller before I bought it). My current plan is to make a dust cover for my sewing machine with this fabric, and then use whatever is left for a pencil case and other small items.

Linking up with Magpie Monday at Me and My Shadow.

Me and My Shadow


  1. Gorgeous, I love a bold kitsch print and this will make a wonderful sewing machine cover, I look forward to seeing the finished result! x

    1. Yes it is gorgeous - it makes me smile when I see it x

  2. Heals fabric from that era is so instantly recognisable isn't it? It will make a fab sewing machine cover. Will you post a tutorial? I need to make one for mine!

    1. Ok I'll post a tutorial - although I'm a little nervous in case I make a mess of it!

  3. Fab find! I am ashamed to say I have a sewing machine that has been in it's box since I was given it 4 Christmas' ago! Would love a tutorial post sometime!

    1. I haven't used my sewing machine for about 4 years either. I'm hoping to use it a bit more often this year, hence idea of making a cover for it.

  4. Love it! What a great find. Echo comments about machine cover tutorial - I could do with one too! x

  5. Replies
    1. Yes I'm going to try to make as many things as possible out of this lovely fabric x

  6. Very nice. I love a nbit of retro print fabtic!

    1. Yes this kind of retro print fabric is fab!

  7. That fabric is amazing! I love a window shopping session at Heals, so much lovely stuff there.

    1. Heals is fab - I used to go there every time I went to London for work meetings, but I don't get to go as often now


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