Monday, 17 September 2012

Stitching update: 21st Century Boy

21st Century Boy cross stitch kit

My current stitching project is a Jolly Red '21st Century Boy' cross stitch kit which I am stitching for my little boy, who is mad keen on space ships and astronauts.

I love the Jolly Red cross stitch kits because they have bright colours and no fractional stitches or back stitch.

Jolly Red no longer sell this particular kit, but I managed to get one on eBay. It has taken me quite a while to get this far with this project, partly because I broke my arm last year. But I feel like I have got some momentum now.

Watch this space to see how it looks when I have finished.

I'm linking up with Needlework Days at Feisty Tapas

Needlework Days


  1. Oh he's lovely! I really like the Jolly Red kits, I did a tapestry Christmas stocking. Trying not to click on the link!

    1. You are so good! I should follow your example and not buy any more kits until I've finished the kits I've already got on the go.

      Have you posted a photo of your Christmas stocking anywhere? I'd love to see it.

    2. Hello, sorry I just saw your reply! I blogged about my stockings here I bought the one kit, then they let me buy the extra wool that I needed to make another using the pattern and some blank canvas which I already had.

    3. Your stockings look really impressive. I've never got the hang of wool tapestry myself.

  2. I'd never heard of that brand, I'll have to look out for them. I love it, it's really quirky

    1. This is the fifth Jolly Red kit I've stitched. They are really enjoyable to stitch as well as looking fab when they're done.


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