Sunday, 9 September 2012

Magpie Monday - this week's finds

I set out with good intentions not to buy very much on Saturday, but the local charity shops were full of treasure so my good intentions fell by the wayside.

The first thing I found was this multi-section bracelet:

The colours of the bracelet will go really well with some of my teal clothes and with my fitted denim dress.

The next things I spotted were two Goldfrapp albums in the Oxfam Books & Music shop. Supernature has been on my wish list for a while, and to get this together with Black Cherry for £2 each seemed like a real bargain.

Finally, there were some lovely retro homewares in the main Oxfam shop and I came out with a set of Tupperware sandwich containers and a pyrex dish. 

The pyrex dish is virtually pristine with bright cheerful colours and I'm looking forward to cooking something in it. It's fair to say that the Tupperware containers have seen better days, but they will be good for storing toys or craft items. 

I am linking up with Magpie Monday at Me and My Shadow.

Me and My Shadow


  1. Oh I love the Pyrex dish! It's fab! X

    1. Yes I love the Pyrex dish too. It's the nicest one I've ever seen. x

  2. What lovely finds, love the pyrex dish :)

  3. My OCD is appeased as the Tupperware and Pyrex are all matchy, matchy. Lovely. xx

    1. Yes the colours do go really well together
      I've got some more retro Tupperware in the same colours too - so very matchy, matchy ;)

  4. The Pyrex is FABULOUS, love it!

    1. I'm thrilled with the Pyrex! I wasn't supposed to be buying homewares but I couldn't resist it :)

  5. AH THAT TUPPERWARE!! It is totally wonderful! Look at the quirky little pattern on the Pyrex. We just found a 1950's larder unit with almost exactly the same design- how funny :D

    1. Tupperware is fab! And this is the nicest Pyrex dish I've ever seen. I particularly like the colours.

      Looking forward to finding out more about your 1950s larder unit.


  6. Absolutely LOVE your pyrex dish, it's a beauty! x

    1. Yes it is. I was grinning from ear to ear when I spotted it :)

  7. I've been looking for that pyrex for ages, my mum has it and I want it!


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