Monday, 10 December 2012

Playful parenting

This weekend I made a den for my son out of a couple of bedspreads and a blanket (originally purchased from charity shops). It was a big hit with my little boy, so I took the photo above and recorded an audioboo about it.

If the Audioboo player below doesn't work, please click here to listen to it on the Audioboo website.


  1. I love this idea! So nice to hear you :) What a lovely theme and learnt so much about you. This looks like so much fun, and the sort of activity my husband does more of in fact, I wonder if not being the main carer actually makes you more inspiring? :)
    You are a fab parent.
    Now I want to make an Audioboo!

    1. Thank you for your lovely feedback.
      I hope you do record a boo or two of your own - I would enjoy listening to what you have to say :)

  2. Nothing happened?! I'm intrigued but can't seem to get it to work . . .?

    1. Sorry you couldn't get it to work. I've just added a direct link to the recording on the audioboo website just in case anyone else has problems using the embedded audioboo player.

  3. Lov that yousobn had so much fun out of a charity shop find. My lttle girl played santa sitting in a cardboard box for hours! They need so little really don't they?
    Just popped over to wish you a happy Christmas and to say I am going to experiement with putting the frugal friaday fashion show weekly do come and join us

    1. Thanks for letting me know I'll definitely be joining in :)


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